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Ready Golf.

Ready Golf means playing our shots when we're ready, right? Wrong!

Ready Golf means thinking ahead so that you're ready to play when it is your turn.

Ready Golf applies everywhere on the golf course - on the tees, on the fairways and on the greens. On the tee.

Ready Golf doesn't mean that the person who is ready at the tee should hit first. The player with the honour should be ready to hit first, but if he isn't ready someone else should hit first.

On the fairway.

Ready golfers don't wait for the player who is away to hit, then move down the fairway to the other balls as if they were a caravan.

Ready golf means that all golfers should get as close to their balls as soon as is possible and safe, and prepare to play their shots. While waiting to hit, survey the shot, select your club and stand ready to make the shot.

The drivers of carts should drop off their partners, let them choose their clubs (taking extra clubs if required), drive to their own balls, and get ready to play.

A caravan of players should never converge unless their balls are all in the same location.

Walk down the sides of the fairway to reach your ball, determine your club selection while waiting, and then move towards the centre to your ball. You can usually get close to your ball and prepare to play the shot, while players behind you can still make their shots.

Helping to find lost balls.

Help to find a lost ball to keep playing moving after hitting your shot, not before. The player scheduled to hit last should be the first to help, while the others play their shots before looking for the lost ball. while the players who are closest should get ready to play their shots. in this way, slow play is not compounded because of a

Entering and exiting greens.

Always leave clubs at the back or the side of the green closest to the next tee, if necessary playing a shot in front of the green first. Don't stand around chatting and writing down scores after the group has putted but move to the next tee.

Speeding play on the greens.

Get ready to putt before it is your turn. Line up the putt while other players are putting and aim to putt within 20 seconds. Take your time; ready golf does not mean rushing.

Farthest from the hole.

In ready golf the player farthest from the hole should be ready to play first. There are, however, a few sensible exceptions. In a foursome where one or two players are walking and one or two are using carts, the players with the carts should hit first if they reach their ball first and are ready to play. When someone hits a shot but is still farthest from the hole, the other players should hit before that player if they are ready. If someone is off the green in a sand trap and hits it farthest from the hole, the other players should not wait for that player to walk around the green to play the next shot.


Ready Golf means being ready to play, not playing when you're ready.

1. Walk to your ball as soon as possible, so that you can choose your club and think about the shot in advance, not when it is your turn.

2.When driving a cart, drop off your partner first, let him choose his club, and then drive to your own ball to get ready to play.

3.When a ball is lost, hit your shot first and then help look for the lost ball.

4.Walk down the side of the fairway if possible until you are level with your ball and then approach it.

5.When on the green, line up your putt before it is your turn. If your opponents are agreeable putt out immediately instead of marking, as long as you are not in someone else's line.